'ie'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2010.03.06 css로 완벽히 이미지 투명도 조절하기.

css로 완벽히 이미지 투명도 조절하기.


.transparent {



-khtml-opacity: 0.5;

opacity: 0.5;


에코뷰 작업할때 유용하게 써먹었다.

옆 이미지 중 하단은 투명도가 들어간 배경이다.

- 설명 -

opacity: 0.5; This is the “most important” one because it is the current standard in CSS. This will work in most versions of Firefox, Safari, and Opera. This would be all you need if all browsers supported current standards. Which, of course, they don’t.

filter:alpha(opacity=50); This one you need for IE.

- 이 효과는 IE에서만 적용된다?

-moz-opacity:0.5; You need this one to support way old school versions of the Mozilla browsers like Netscape Navigator.

- 이 효과는 네스케이프용?

-khtml-opacity: 0.5; This is for way old versions of Safari (1.x) when the rendering engine it was using was still referred to as KTHML, as opposed to the current WebKit.

- 이건 사파리용?

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